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Season of Lent

March 2 – April 14, 2022

The Season of Lent is a traditional season of preparation and self-reflection in the Church calendar. This season has historically encouraged fasting as a way of focusing our attention on God and reminding us of our complete dependance on God
This year as our church participates in our denomination’s series “Come & See Jesus,” we are encouraging our congregation to join together with our conference churches in a time of fasting during this season of Lent.
What does Spiritual Fasting Look Like?
Fasting is a time of self-denial. While fasting has historically involved refraining from eating, fasting can take place with a number of different types of self-denial other than complete fasting from food.
Fasting from eating can have significant affects on your health and should only be done with careful considerations to your own personal health.
You might also consider fasting a single meal each day, or from specific types of food or beverage.  Some have chosen to fast from things like caffeine or refined sugar, or from other things, like social media, or other types of media.
The point is not only to remove, or temporarily halt, something in your life, but to dedicate time to growing in your faith.
Fasting can soften and focus our hearts, it can help us overcome addictions to legitimate pleasures, and it can break down strongholds and sin. It can be a time devoted to interceding for others.
We are excited to see what God will do in and through us as we take this time to intentionally focus on Jesus.

Week 6 – April 7-14

Galatians 2:20

This week we think about joining Jesus in His journey to the cross.  While we see the cross as a symbol of suffering, Jesus used the enemy’s greatest strategy to bring about celebration because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  This week think about joining Jesus in sacrifice and submission to the will of God and then rejoice knowing that the battle is over, the enemy has been defeated and our future is the Kingdom of God!

Week 5 – March 31-April 6

Colossians 3:12-13

This week we think about how we want to “clothe” ourselves. During this time of reflection, think of the way that Jesus gave himself for you. What would it look like for us to clothe ourselves in the same kind of humility, compassion and forgiveness that Christ demonstrated for us?

Week 4 – March 24-30

Matthew 6:24

This week we ask our selves, “who is my master?”  What has taken the place of priority in my life.  What tasks win my time?  What investments win my money?  What love wins my heart?  Father, would we seek you with all our heart and serve you alone as Lord of our life.


Week 3 – March 17-23

Nehemiah 8:10

This week is about joy. The words from Nehemiah are the words shared with the people of Israel upon the completion of the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall. As you take this time to reflect on Jesus, think about the ways that trusting Jesus has brought joy to your life.  How can we live in a way that shares that joy with others?


Week 2 – March 10-16

John 17:6-13

This week we take time to pray for unity within our congregation.  Jesus’ prayer for his disciples included that they would be one just as Jesus and the Father are one.  May we take this example and seek to be united with each other in our common goals and vision.  We need each other and others need us.  


Week 1 – March 2-9

James 4:1-10

This week we take time for confession.  Let us think through each day and invite the Spirit to identify areas in each of our lives that do not line up with the life and teachings of Jesus.  Search us, O God, and see if there is any offensive way in us today.